Ambilikile Mwasapile

Ambilikile Mwasapile is Tanzanian medicine man who uses a tree known as mugariga to make a juice that he claims it can cure any disease. Mwasapile is a retired Lutheran pastor and he lives in Samunge village in Loliondo, near Ngorongoro. Mwasapile relieved himself to had have a vision that he saw god and received instruction to make his medicine. He said he received a vision of a tree he can use to make such a medicine and that many people will flock to him to get it and be healed. After waking up, he said he met a woman who had AIDS and she told him that she came for medicine. Mwasapile followed instruction of making the medicine and gave to the woman who is said to healed of her diseases.

The woman who claimed to be healed miraculous by Mwasapile passed information to her former boss who had earlier fired her due to sickness. it happened for the boss to have an ill child since birth, suffering from brain damage. The boss was of Indian origin, and it said he took his child to Mwasapile and the child was miraculous healed. After this event, thousand of people bagan to visit Mwasapile at an average of 4,000 people a day since early 2011.

The government of Tanzania ordered Mwasapile to stop issuing his medications but due to big public demand the government had to revise the order and provided Mwasapile with support for sanitation.

People took their bereaved who were admitted in Tanznian and Kenyan hospital and rushed to Mwasapile. Some of these sick people died before reaching Mwasapile but many of those who took the medication expressed to get healed. The four main sickness that Mwasapile is claiming to cure are AIDS, diabetes, stroke, high and low blood pressure.

Notable people that have visited Mwasapile and took the medicine includes ministers and members of parliament from Tanzania and Kenya; and famous businessmen and women. The wife of DRC president Joseph Kabila is among the latest to visit Mwasapile.

Mwasapile medicine can not be given by other doctor nor far from his homeground. Due to poor infrastructure, the road transport is costing roughly 500 times the price of the medicine which is Tanzania shillings 500 only. The rich people pays more than 4 million Tanzania shillings to visit Mwasapile and take the medicine.

The government chemist has given the statement after examining the medicine, and he said the medicine doesn't have any harmful effects to human being but he didn't confirm if the medicine was scientifically proved to heal the said diseases. The Tanzanian prime minister while addressing the parliament mentioned that the government can not interfere with people's faith.


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